About the faculty

The Faculty of Economics, Governance and Law at Barleti University is a unique combination of three departments: Economics, Law, and Governance. All three of these areas create great opportunities to act both at the departmental level also as a unique body to grasp the issues of good governance and research and to enable the full range of studies needed for the country. This multidisciplinary approach makes the faculty an outstanding partner for high-level knowledge sharing.
We aim to transform our Faculty in the future into a School of Good Governance by providing capable and competent people to take on great responsibilities.
Our goal is to prepare responsible students, able to solve problems and use them in the service of the future. We aim to create a generation of optimistic and active young people to respond to the needs of the country, but also to orient themselves as correctly as possible in the globalization processes.
Barleti University is part of the institutions of Higher Education in Albania, contributing to the professional and intellectual formation of the elites of our country. During these years, Barleti University has maintained and developed the highest academic and scientific qualities and standards. The qualified academic staff with scientific titles and degrees and graduate students are the voices that best testify to the increase in quality at Barleti University with organizational correctness, academic quality, and high standards.

The programs of the first cycle of Bachelor studies last 3 academic years, with a load of 180 credits. The integrated programs are 300 * or 360 * credits and the normal duration is 5 or 6 academic years.

The programs in the second cycle of Master of Science studies last 2 academic years with a load of 120 credits.

The programs in the second cycle of Professional Master studies last 1 or 2 academic years with a load of 60 or 120 credits.

Professional programs are up to 2 academic years after upper secondary education, with a load of up to 120 credits.



* : 5-year integrated program "Master of Science"

** : Program that will be activated soon

Department of Economics,
Entrepreneurship and Finance

The Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Finance performs a wide range of teaching activities in the general fields of economics, entrepreneurship and finance...

Department of Governance,
Political Science and Communication

Albanian society needs more than ever well-educated and professionally trained young people to bring about radical changes in the governance...

Department of Law

Justice has already become the main topic of Albanian institutional and social life. It is considered as one of the most important, even vital, aspects for the development of the country ...



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